Training Courses

Course 207: ESG: Sustainable Finance

Date: 18-02-2025 to 18-02-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:3 Hours Venue:Online Key Subject Category 1:Regulations and Compliance Overview:

This course explores the intersection of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors with sustainable finance, focusing on how ESG considerations are shaping the future of investment and financial markets. Participants will learn about the growing importance of sustainable finance in addressing global challenges such as climate change, social inequality, and corporate governance. The course will introduce attendees to the fundamental principles and core practice of sustainable finance, highlighting the pivotal role that the capital markets play in fostering a more sustainable and resilient economy. Special attention will be given to how the capital markets can attract private capital to finance the transition to a sustainable future through the issuance of green bonds, social bonds, sustainability bonds, sustainability-linked bonds and other innovative sustainable finance instruments. Moreover, attendees will gain an understanding of the key regulations, frameworks and taxonomies guiding the sustainable finance space, as well as an understanding of the local framework designed for issuing sustainable debt instruments locally. Finally, the course will offer insights into recent developments and emerging trends in the area of sustainable finance.

  • An introduction: from traditional finance to sustainable finance;
  • The role of the capital markets in channelling private investments into the transition to a more sustainable economy;
  • Different sustainable debt instruments and labels, including: green bonds, blue bonds, social bonds, transition bonds, sustainability bonds, sustainability- linked bonds;
  • An overview of key ESG regulations, frameworks and taxonomies, including the ICMA Bond Principles, the Taxonomy Regulation, the EU Green Bond Regulation, and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive;
  • Key challenges in the area of sustainable finance;
  • Global market trends in the sustainable finance space.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 135: A Practical Guide on ESG Reporting

Date: 20-02-2025 to 20-02-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:3 Hours Venue:ONLINE Key Subject Category 1:Regulations and Compliance Key Subject Category 2:Regulations Overview:

This course will delve into the concept of sustainability, its importance and the different ways one can look at unlocking this powerful tool. Sustainability can be looked at from a financial perspective, through appropriate cost management, cash flow management and diversification. The importance of branding and marketing and the environmental, social and governance impact on the brand as well as the sustainability of human capital. Finally, the attendees will learn about how sustainability is achieved in other jurisdictions and lessons learnt from exploring the development of sustainability from a global perspective.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 140: Trading of Cryptocurrencies and NFTs: Opportunities and Risks

Date: 21-02-2025 to 21-02-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:2 Hours Venue:Online Key Subject Category 1:Crypto Key Subject Category 2:Cyber Security Overview:

After a general introduction to blockchain technologies, participants will get an overview of the history of crypto trading. The currently important crypto exchanges will be discussed and trading procedures explained. Use cases will be discussed on how cryptocurrencies can be used in practice. However, attention will also be drawn to the dangers and risks from a technological, economic and social perspective.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 153: Reporting Disclosures Emanating from the Capital Markets Rules

Date: 24-02-2025 to 24-02-2025 Time:10:00 AM Course Duration:2 Hours Venue:Online Overview:

This session will provide an in-depth look at the continuing disclosure obligations emanating from Chapter 5 of the Capital Markets Rules applicable to Issuers in terms of the said Rules. This session will cover both periodic financial reporting as well as ad hoc disclosure obligations, and should be particularly relevant to equity and debt issuers listed on the main market of the Malta Stock Exchange as well as entities contemplating listing.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 103: Company Law Fundamentals

Date: 26-02-2025 to 27-02-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:6 Hours Venue:Online Key Subject Category 1:Legal Issues Key Subject Category 2:Regulations and Compliance Overview:

The aim of this course is to provide participants with an overview of the fundamental precepts of Maltese company law. Following an analysis of the distinction between the various types of corporate vehicles available in terms of Maltese law, the course will focus on private and public limited liability company, from creation to dissolution. Fundamental doctrines such as separate legal personality, limited liability, and the lifting or piercing of the corporate veil will be analysed. The various types of share capital, the increase, reduction and transfer of share capital, and the doctrine of capital maintenance will also be discussed. This is followed by an analysis of the regulatory and practical implications of the governance of companies, in the context of a global trend towards more regulation and the need of companies to adhere to strict ethical and legal business practices so as not to jeopardize their corporate brand and business in general. Particular focus will be laid on the duties and responsibilities of directors and, specifically in respect of listed companies, the need to instil a governance culture aligned with the Code of Principles of Good Corporate Governance set out in the Listing Rules. In the final part of the course the substantive and procedural aspects of dissolution, winding up and insolvency, as well as the procedures of company rescue and corporate recovery will be examined.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Apply online

Course 155: Understanding Property Valuations, Valuation Reports and Valuation Methodology

Date: 27-02-2025 to 28-02-2025 Time:09:30 AM Course Duration:7.5 Hours Venue:Online Overview:

The real estate sector is going through a time of change, having penetrated the larger capital markets and is now much more affected by national and global economic trends. Besides looking into the basic principles and theory of valuation and gaining knowledge on the fundamentals of valuation practice, this course: • will look into developments and trends affecting the nature of and the need for valuation services in Malta in the short to medium term; • aims to stimulate debate amongst valuers and clients/ users of valuations over what action is needed to ensure the provision of quality valuation services that the modern economy requires; and • will enable you to assess the property market and be in a position to recognise which situations require which types of valuation, choose and apply the right methodology and create the valuation report in line with best practice and international standards.  

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 147: AML/CFT Fundamentals

Date: 03-03-2025 to 04-03-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:7 Venue:Online Key Subject Category 1:AML Key Subject Category 2:Compliance Overview:

Complying with the AML/CFT framework is an increasingly important regulatory requirement for all subject persons. This course, two-part session will outline the applicable Maltese AML/CFT laws and regulations, provide in-depth coverage of key ML/TF obligations of subject persons and discuss the effective implementation of risk-based policies, procedures, controls and measures. Following this course, participants should have a much better understanding of the key concepts of ML/TF, typologies, trends, safeguards and measures.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 321: Establishing a Solid Business Risk Assessment

Date: 05-03-2025 to 05-03-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:3 Hours Venue:Online Key Subject Category 1:Corporate Risk Key Subject Category 2:General Overview:

This course focuses on the essential elements of creating a robust business risk assessment. Participants will learn how to identify, evaluate, and manage various types of risks that could impact their organisation. The course covers key concepts such as risk identification techniques, assessing risk exposure, and developing effective mitigation strategies. Attendees will also explore best practices for integrating risk management into business operations and decision-making processes, enabling them to build a strong foundation for managing business risks and ensuring long-term success.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 219: AML/CFT - Spotting the Red Flags

Date: 06-03-2025 to 06-03-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:3 Hours Venue:Online Key Subject Category 1:AML Key Subject Category 2:Regulations and Compliance Overview:

This course aims at providing attendees with the  necessary tools and techniques aimed at identifying  money laundering machinations and in combating the  funding of terrorism. The course has been developed  in an engaging and comprehensive format in order to  provide attendees with the appropriate training to meet  the regulatory requirements of subject persons whilst  providing a practitioner’s insight. The course shall focus  both on the applicable legislative framework as well as  on practical case studies.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 170: Designing a Robust Business Risk Assessment

Date: 07-03-2025 to 07-03-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:2 Venue:ONLINE Key Subject Category 1:Corporate Risk Key Subject Category 2:Risk Management Overview:

This course has been tailored to provide attendees with a best practice approach in designing an organization’s business risk assessment. The course will explore how risk managers can apply an enterprise-wide risk management approach and transpose this into a business risk assessment, ensuring the organization’s risk profile factors in all the risks which may impact its operations and achievement of objectives.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 206: The Role of the Company Secretary

Date: 10-03-2025 to 10-03-2025 Time:01:00 PM Course Duration:3 Hours Venue:ONLINE Key Subject Category 1:Legal Issues Key Subject Category 2:Regulations and Compliance Overview:

This course focuses on the pivotal role, duties and obligations  of the company secretary.  The company secretary is an important link between the board of directors and the management arm of the company.  There is also a duty to ensure good corporate governance. It is important that company secretaries are familiar with their obligations to the board, shareholders and management.  The lecturer will also outline best practice and real-life case studies.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 238: Different Sources of Raising Capital

Date: 11-03-2025 to 11-03-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:3 Hours Venue:Online Key Subject Category 1:General Overview:

Raising capital is a difficult but essential part of running Capital markets - practical issues any business. Even the most creative ideas or business plans can only get you so far. It is therefore inevitable that businesses will need funding in order to grow. Although one of the biggest challenges businesses face is raising finance, various options exist and businesses can raise capital through capital markets, bank finance, private placements or business angels amongst others. The training session will give an overview of all sources of finance, focusing more on the capital markets available in Malta, and the practical issues encountered when raising finance and how business go around them.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 205: How Bonds Work

Date: 17-03-2025 to 18-03-2025 Time:01:30 PM Course Duration:5 Hours Venue:ONLINE Key Subject Category 1:Capital Markets Overview:

Bonds are one of the most popular assets classes  for many investors since they are generally seen as a reliable source of income with a defined investment term. This course will cover the basics of investing in bonds as well as the more complex features of this type of instrument. Participants will also learn about the key principles of bond pricing mechanisms, the structure of the fixed income markets, building a portfolio of bond instruments, and how to select bonds based on their characteristics such as yield and issuer credit analysis.  

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 184: Never to small to be Inclusive: Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Date: 18-03-2025 to 18-03-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:3 Hours Venue:Online Key Subject Category 2:General Overview:

This 3-hour interactive training is designed for executive leaders to enhance their understanding of neurodiversity and equip them with practical tools to foster inclusivity in the workplace. Through a blend of presentations, discussions, role-playing, and case studies, leaders will learn strategies for effectively managing and supporting neurodivergent employees while promoting equity and creating a thriving environment for all. 

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 127: Understanding Corporate Risk and Crisis Management

Date: 18-03-2025 to 18-03-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:3 Hours Venue:Online Overview:

This course will address the corporate risk management  process and will help participants to design, implement  and establish a proactive and dynamic risk management  model. This will place their organisation in a better  position to identify, avoid and mitigate potential risks that  exist in every organisation’s internal as well as external  environments. Discussions will also focus on how to  build a strong corporate risk management culture, and  help attendees to learn the basis on which they should  prioritise the various risks.    

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 245: Spotlight on Trusts - Understanding the AML Risks and Best Practices

Date: 20-03-2025 to 20-03-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:2 Hours Venue:Online Key Subject Category 2:General Overview:

This course delves into the AML/CFT challenges and risks associated with trusts, providing a practical framework for managing these risks effectively. It examines the unique vulnerabilities of trusts, focusing on beneficial ownership concealment and complex financial structures that can be exploited to launder illicit funds and sanctions evasion, amongst others. The course addresses customer risk management, particularly wealth accumulation, SOW and SOW, offering actionable insights into compliance obligations and advanced risk mitigation techniques. Participants will gain an understanding of the legal requirements in terms of the PMLFTR and how to apply them effectively in practice when dealing with trust customers. Particular emphasis is placed on conducting due diligence on trusts and their beneficial owners, ensuring compliance with AML obligations while addressing practical challenges. Through examples and scenarios , participants will gain the skills to identify red flags, evaluate trust structures, and implement robust control measures. This includes guidance on understanding the risk factors specific to trusts, enhancing due diligence procedures, and adopting effective strategies to mitigate risks and ensure compliance with AML regulations.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 227: Personal Data Breaches

Date: 21-03-2025 to 21-03-2025 Time:09:00 AM Course Duration:2 Hours Venue:Online Key Subject Category 1:GDPR and Data Protection Overview:

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of personal data breaches, focusing on their identification, management, and prevention. Participants will learn what constitutes a data breach, common causes (such as hacking, phishing, and human error), and the legal implications under regulations like GDPR and CCPA. The course covers early detection techniques, assessing breach severity, and developing effective response plans, including notifying affected parties and authorities. Practical sessions focus on damage mitigation, building robust security systems, and fostering employee awareness to minimize risks. Ideal for IT professionals, compliance officers, and business leaders, this program equips learners with the tools to navigate breaches confidently and safeguard personal data effectively.  

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 156: Property as an Investment - Risk and Return

Date: 21-03-2025 to 24-03-2025 Time:09:30 AM Course Duration:5 Hours Venue:Online Overview:

The aim of this course is to provide an objective overview of the attributes of commercial property as a mainstream asset class and to lay down the theoretical foundations of investment decision-making, so that particular decisions regarding property investments can be made efficiently and rationally. Concepts and techniques included in this course and problem sets are used in many careers related to real estate. These include periti, real estate advisors and valuers, investors and developers, estate agents and CFOs. This material is also relevant to individuals who want to better understand real estate for their own personal investment decisions as it prepares the student to understand the risks and rewards associated with investing in and financing both residential and commercial real estate.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 108: Compliance Monitoring and Reporting

Date: 25-03-2025 to 25-03-2025 Time:09:30 AM Course Duration:2.5 Hours Venue:Online Key Subject Category 1:Compliance Key Subject Category 2:Regulations and Compliance Overview:

The Compliance Officer is the regulator’s invisible arm in that it ensures that the institution’s business is being conducted in line with regulations, internal policies and procedures. Checks are carried out primarily through compliance monitoring programmes; be they on-site or desk based reviews. The fulcrum of the findings prompted by the reviews is to bring these to the attention of senior management. Senior management is ultimately responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the compliance function and in ensuring that the business is carried out in line with regulatory requirements.

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online

Course 118: Effective Business Writing

Date: 26-03-2025 to 26-03-2025 Time:01:00 PM Venue:Online Key Subject Category 1:General Overview:

Whether at top executive, middle management or even  junior administrator level, conveying information, a message  or even intent clearly, flawlessly and in appropriate detail  is critical for getting the message across, establishing  attention, winning business and building continued success.  Business writing must form a credible basis upon which  sound decisions may be taken. In this regard, besides  communicating information accurately in an appropriate  format, effective business writing demonstrates rationale,  enhances credibility, carries influential impact, and conveys  suitable courtesy. All powerful determinants for maintaining  interest, rapport and enhancing sustainable achievement in  the world of business.  This short course gives practitioners, managers and  administrators insights into sharpening and enhancing their  business writing and communication skills in multiple and  varied business contexts such as writing with impact and  garnering results, drawing up reports as a sound basis for  decision-making and outcome reporting, minute taking as  well as delivering and presenting to an audience.  

Attendance:By registration Email:[email protected] Information about the course Apply online