The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act

Public Authority

Malta Stock Exchange

Description of the department/directorate/entity’s structure

Description of Public Authority, click here.

Description of the department/directorate/entity’s functions and responsibilities

The Malta Stock Exchange is set up and authorised in terms of the Financial Markets Act (Cap. 345 of the Laws of Malta) pursuant to which regulations and rules are issued which contain policies and procedures governing all the Exhange’s Operations and Functions. The following is a list of these documents:-

  • Financial Markets Act ( Cap. 345 of the Laws of Malta)
  • Prevention of Financial Markets Abuse Act (Cap 476 of the Laws of Malta)
  • Prevention of Money Laundering Act (Cap 373 of the Laws of Malta)
  • Financial Market Rules
  • Bye-Laws of the Malta Stock Exchange

General description of the categories of documents the department/directorate/entity holds (including exempt documents)

  • Procurement related documents, including tenders
  • Contracts, agreements, invoices, financial documentation and other similar documentation pertaining or related to the Exchange's day-to-day administrative and management operations
  • Financial returns, audited financial statements and other financial documentation
  • Reports, memoranda and other documents drawn up and intended for the Exchange’s internal use
  • Technical Reports related to the core functions of the Exchange
  • Reports of trading transactions carried out and any related trading reports
  • International Agreements (Memoranda of Understanding) and related exchange of information documents
  • Documentation related to recruitment, staff records and related correspondence
  • Client records and related correspondence
  • Course applications, details of lecturers and students’ records
  • Documents pertaining to applications for admissibility to listing of securities
  • Applications for Members, Traders, Corporate Advisors and related documents
  • Internal Procedure Manuals and check-lists
  • Notification to Members
  • Documentation related to Client Complaints
  • Exchange Notices
  • Official List
  • Price List
  • Market Statistics
  • Corporate Brochures
  • Annual Reports, documents, minutes, consultative papers, reports, and working documents related to the functions of the Exchange
  • MSE policies
  • IT usage policy and related documents
  • List of EU regulations and Directives

Description of all manuals and similar types of documents which contain policies, principles, rules or guidelines in accordance with which decisions or recommendations are made in respect of members of the public (including bodies corporate and employees of the public authority in their personal capacity)

  • Code of Conduct
  • Bye-Laws of the Malta Stock Exchange
  • Data usage and privacy policy

Statement of the information that needs to be available to members of the public who wish to obtain access to official documents from the public authority, which statement shall include particulars of the officer or officers to whom requests for such access should be sent

FOI Officer
[email protected]
+356 2124 4051

Details of Internal Complaints Procedure

An applicant whose request for information is refused, or who is otherwise not satisfied with the information provided, its format or the extension of the deadline for the submission of the notification indicating whether a request would be met or not, may address a complaint to the Malta Stock Exchange.

The complaint should be addressed to the Malta Stock Exchange FOI Officer, who shall bring the complaint to the attention of the officer responsible. The officer responsible shall reply to the applicant within 10 working days from the receipt of the complaint. The applicant shall also be informed that he or she may appeal the decision or otherwise address a complaint to the Information and Data Protection Commissioner in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (Cap.496 of the Laws of Malta).

The officer responsible shall inform the applicant of the decision taken with respect to his or her complaint, and in the event of confirmation of a decision not to release the pertinent information, shall explain the reasons thereof. Whenever the applicant’s complaint is related to the format of the information provided or to an extension of the deadline for the submission of the notification indicating whether a request would be met or not by the Malta Stock Exchange plc, and the original decision is upheld, the applicant shall be given an explanation as to why his or her complaint cannot be positively addressed.

An applicant may also make use of the Internal Complaints Procedure to report failure to meet deadlines or to send notifications. In those cases where the request for information can be met, but has not been met within the deadlines specified by the Act, the officer responsible shall waive any applicable fees for the submission of information.

Other Information

Working Hours:
Winter Working Hours
0730hrs – 1230hrs
1300hrs – 1600hrs

Summer Working Hours
August 0730hrs – 1430hrs

E-mails received outside official working hours will be acknowledged on the next working day.

Forms are available on the website

Fees may be paid in cash or by Bank:
Bank of Valletta plc
IBAN Code: MT60VALL22013000000040015918765

Public Authority Contact Details

Malta Stock Exchange plc
Garrison Chapel, Castille Place, Valletta. VLT 1063
[email protected]
+356 2124 4051
MFIN FOI Website: